Order Authorization and Medical Necessity Process

Edited 6 months ago

This guide explains the process a customer goes through after an order is authorized but not yet captured. It details the communications received by the customer, the possible outcomes, and the subsequent steps.

Order Authorization and Medical Necessity Review

Step 1: After order authorization, the customer receives an email notification. This email informs them that the order is placed and the provider is reviewing the letter of medical necessity.

Step 2: The customer also receives a confirmation email from the merchant.

Approval of Medical Necessity Letter

Step 1: Upon approval of the letter of medical necessity, the customer receives a payment confirmation from the merchant.

Step 2: The customer also receives their letter of medical necessity, including all the details they provided, and a receipt for their recent purchase.

Rejection of Medical Necessity Letter

Step 1: If the letter of medical necessity is rejected, the customer receives an email notification of the rejection.

Step 2: The customer sees a canceled payment from the merchant. The payment does not process on their HSA FSA card.