Abandoned Cart Email


How long should this take?

20 minutes

What you’re doing and why:

Abandoned cart emails are great tools to encourage interested customers to complete their purchase.. Framing the pay with HSA/FSA payment option as a 30-40% discount can increase engagement and ultimately conversion.

Sample Subject Lines

  1. Finish Your Purchase and Save 30% With Your HSA/FSA

  2. Don't Leave Yet - We Have HSA/FSA Savings To Offer

  3. Don't Miss Out: Save 30% On Your Cart With HSA/FSA


Include this email in your abandoned cart drip campaign, positioned before you offer a coupon code. It will make customers feel like they're receiving a discount through their HSA/FSA savings, enhancing the perceived value without directly offering a discount.

Sample Abandoned Cart Email (One-Time Purchases)

Sample Abandoned Cart Email (Subscription Purchases)